Law Office of Christopher E. Ward, LLC
Douglasville, GA 30134
(817) 805-3670 or
(678) 7CE-WLAW
Monday thru Friday
8:30 am to 5:30 pm
also available:
By phone or email,
24 hours/7 days a week
The basic definition of a prenuptial agreement is an agreement made between a couple before they marry concerning the ownership of their respective assets in case the marriage should fail. Most couples do not enter a marriage with an expectation it will fail. Most couples believe they have met their soul mate, the one person in the world God created just for them. The good news is the percentage of divorces as compared to marriages within the last few years is decreasing. However great we accept the decreasing level of divorce, the statistics still indicate divorce is still too common. So what are the common arguments between couples during a divorce? Defining what is the marital estate and how it will be divided, will there be any alimony and how much for how long, and child custody and support.
A Prenuptial Agreement CANNOT deal with the child custody argument. That power belongs to the judge and cannot be contracted away.
A Prenuptial Agreement CAN settle the question concerning what is the marital estate, how it will be divided (if at all), and whether there will be any alimony. A Prenuptial Agreement CAN protect your assets at the time of marriage and any appreciation in value, and protect your future income.
Enter into a marriage with the assurance that each party understands what to expect if the marriage fails. Enter into a marriage eliminating the root cause of the most common disagreement, money. Enter into a marriage where all the cards are on the table. Besides reducing the common cause of stress on a marriage, the Court battle to settle a marital estate is an expensive one fraught with the danger of losing a significant portion of what each has worked for their whole lives.
The Prenuptial Agreement is NOT a one size fits all type of agreement. The Agreement can be designed to eliminate each individuals concerns about the future. The intent of our office is to create an Agreement both individuals will accept taking into account each others’ concerns for the future. By definition, the Agreement is a two-way street. It is meant to protect both parties and eliminate any concerns each party may have.
It is our belief here at C. E. Ward and Associates, by entering a Prenuptial Agreement drafted to ensure both parties’ concerns have been attended to, where both parties understand the limits of their rights to the other party’s property, and where each party feels assured their property is protected, the many root causes of many of the arguments leading to divorce can be eliminated leading to a long and happy matrimony for each.